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Hair Jewellery

After much hassling (nagging) from a local Broome customer, I finally found time, got organised and have started a new range of hair pins / jewellery pieces.  The first items, on my website, are the spirals.  I have adjusted these spirals to suit the Broome market.   A cup and a pin has been added to the spiral, in order to tightly glue in a pearl or shell pearl.  I have tested these spirals, worn them daily, even slept in them and THEY WORK!!  The first thing I love about them is that they really really hold the hair up!  Secondly, with the twist in / twist out action, they don't pull out the hair, much like my many hair ties do.  And, even though only one is required to hold the hair up,  they look really cool if you put two or three into your hair.  The pearl spirals have 12mm Cultured Freshwater Pearls and also shell pearl spirals have 17mm shell pearls.  The spiral with the shell pearl is the same size, and they do the same job as the freshwater Pearl spirals, but at half the price and a larger  synthetic "pearl".   My hairdresser loves them too!  Watch this space, there are more designs coming!

Video below shows how to use this pin to hold your hair into a bun.

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